Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 27 August 2023.

Welcome to Internz Pro, an online platform connecting students and recent graduates with internship opportunities. By accessing and using www.inetrnzpro.com (referred to as “the platform”), you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully before using the platform.
User Sign Up

1. User Eligibility
– Interns must be students or recent graduates seeking internships.
– Users must provide accurate and truthful information during registration.

2. Account Usage
– Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account credentials.
– Sharing account credentials is strictly prohibited.

3. Application Process
– Interns agree to submit accurate and complete applications for internships.

4. Behaviour and Communication
– Users agree to communicate professionally and respectfully with each other and platform administrators.
– Any inappropriate or offensive behaviour will lead to account suspension.

5. Intellectual Property
– Users retain intellectual property rights to content submitted on the platform.

6. Privacy and Data Handling
– Users acknowledge and consent to the platform’s privacy policy regarding data collection and use.

7. Feedback and Reviews
– Users may provide reviews and feedback on their internship experiences to benefit the community.

8. Disputes
– Users agree to resolve any disputes with companies independently.
– The platform is not responsible for the actions of companies or the outcomes of internships.

9. Updates and Modifications
– The platform reserves the right to update or modify these terms and conditions as needed.

10. Account Termination
– The platform reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts that violate these terms.

11. Governing Law
– These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Intellectual Property Laws, Information Technology Act, 2000, Consumer Protection Act, 2019, Indian Contract Act, 1872, and other acts governed by the government of India.
Company Sign Up

1. Company Eligibility
– Companies must offer legitimate internship opportunities.

2. Application Review
– Companies agree to review internship applications fairly and without bias.

3. Intellectual Property
– Companies agree not to misuse any submitted content.

4. Privacy and Data Handling
– Companies agree to handle intern data responsibly and respect their privacy.

5. Internship Quality and Listings
– Companies commit to offering valuable learning experiences through their internships.
– Companies agree to provide accurate and comprehensive descriptions of internships.

6. Non-Discrimination
– Companies agree not to discriminate against interns based on gender, race, religion, or any protected characteristic.

7. Compliance with Laws
– Companies agree to abide by relevant labour laws, regulations, and ethical standards.

8. Disputes
– The platform is not responsible for the actions of companies or the outcomes of internships.

9. Updates and Modifications
– The platform reserves the right to update or modify these terms and conditions as needed.

10. Account Termination
– The platform reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts that violate these terms.

11. Governing Law
– These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Intellectual Property Laws, Information Technology Act, 2000, Consumer Protection Act, 2019, Indian Contract Act, 1872, and other acts governed by the government of India.

Please ensure that you have thoroughly read and understood these terms and conditions. Your use of the platform implies your consent and agreement to abide by these terms. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please refrain from using the platform. For any inquiries or clarifications, please contact us at info@internhubs.com.
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